Perfect Golf Swing Takeaway

Perfect Golf Swing Takeaway Drill: Key to an EASY GOLF SWING

drills easy golf swing golf swing takeaway Nov 08, 2021

Full Transcript

hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us now i don't know if you are the same but many many of my students come to me and they say danny how do i improve my consistency why is it that one minute i'm hitting driver dead straight and then the next minute i'm slicing it or i could strike my iron really really good but then i'm fighting the next you know why i'm inconsistent how do i improve my consistency well look it's a difficult question and look this one video is unlikely to solve all your golfing problems but understanding how to move the club away how to take the club away in the backswing i found with many many my students if they can get this right it's like the first domino in their golf swing it sets up a very simplistic backswing which makes the downswing much much easier to attain they don't have to make all the compensations that a poor backswing creates i see so many golfers getting the club wrapped around themselves here they're because miles behind they're having to swing over the top and come down on the golf or slice it they tend to get flip handsy on the way back so they get handsy and flicky on the way through losing connection and losing power so the takeaway can be really really important and in this week's gold plus what i want to share is just two simple things things you do need in your takeaway you nail these two things and it can make life so so much easier so that's what we're going to share today now if you're new to the channel it's one of your first videos of mine please consider subscribing press that little bell button next subscribe when you get notified every time i release a video just like this one plus if you do enjoy what you see you don't have to remember a thing i'll put a full summary a breakdown of what we've done into a practice plan that you can simply download in the description box below so take away what are we after you just need to learn two things what i see are the biggest issues with where when people are taking taking the club away incorrectly is this club face roll what do i mean by that so the club face here as they move the club away they're rolling it they are literally if you look at the best way look if you look at my watch here as opposed to the watch staying here okay like this pointing almost feeling like it's pointing towards the ground what it does is it rolls to the ceiling so they roll the club away there's the first fault the second full i see okay i probably took my hand off to do this is is here you can see almost like a 90 degree angle between my lead arm and my chest now what i want to do is get that all working away together so i've almost kept that kind of 90 degree angle as i move back but golfers don't what i'm finding is i don't think you're the same but without realizing golfers are swinging just with their arm look look at this and that gap's close so there's nothing's really moved here and what that looks like in the golf swing is they start to take the club look around the corner that now leads to an uncoordinated swing so they're the two things we'd secure we need to have a coordinated backswing as number one and we need to manage the club face number two so how do you go about doing that well simplest way initially is just stand up for a second just so you can feel the difference so so we can make it nice and easy for you if you um just put your lead arm out in front of you here okay now we're in a tall position and your bicep lead biceps is connected to your chest if you simply just turn your chest backwards and forwards like it's a nine degree angle that is a coordinated emotional work nothing more complicated than that the only difference in golf is we've got to make sure that when we do do this we do it in a tilt so if you look at this here now watch my shoulders are tilting what do you notice they're at roughly what feels like a 45 degree angle that's it that's a coordinated motion away one way you can learn to kind of get this coordinated version it's very simple is take your thumb put it in the middle of your chest put your fingers rest them on your bicep okay now the idea here is is when you're moving this backwards and forwards here you're not feeling any pressure going on to those fingers so real simple way leave this ball that way for a second it's just again get your thumb into your sternum put your fingers onto your bicep now all i'm going to do is if you're one of those people who literally takes the club away with their arms you're going to feel immediately a pressure on the fingers and all you're going to do is you're going to try and keep that all the way into your backswing here literally till your lead arm gets to a roundabout parallel now i've kept that distance i'm aware this is a coordinated motion away versus look at this i see so many people that may be over swinging getting stuck behind the arms have gone too far they're out of sequence they're going to have to flick on the way through big problem so just get that sensation and what i'll do first without him looking at the club face we can even do a few exercises where thumb goes in there fingers on biceps is simply turn backwards and forwards get a feel of that and then away we go

nice simple motion okay

now you can build this into a little system where all you do is you get it going backwards and forwards feel what that's like work backwards and forwards then put your trail arm on get the sensation again feel how your shoulders are working on this incline here but they're all working together notice this can you see a difference there my arms are taken over yes versus i can see my shoulders working now now we're in a position so again we could just start with some small shots no real big shots to start with keep it coordinated and away we go okay nice little strike so that is how you'd simply coordinate the motion you could also if this doesn't feel quite right you could also do something where basically you do this where ultimately you put your thumb up like this okay and what you're gonna do is you're just simply i call it my thumbs up exercise just simply keeping the thumbs up like this and you're not in a sense letting them rotate this would help you manage the club face so watch this we're not going to roll now what we're going to do is we're going to learn to manage the face of the club so look at this what do you notice about my thumb it's at a 45 degree angle you could even now if you look at my palm look it feels like it's on top and where's my watch feels like it's facing down so now we're not just getting the coordination of the body we're managing the club face itself on the club face you'll know when it's managed because the face look is parallel to your spine look at this here it isn't rotate here my spine's at this angle we don't want the face that we want it there but managing this so simple way just you've got your coordination and now look at this we're managing the face look at my thumb i'm not rolling my watch isn't going to the ceiling get that motion get the feel of what that is and then away we go

okay so the quad coordination club face they're the two main ingredients for you to manage and get that going just watch out when you're doing all these exercises so just in summary we'll go through again in summary we need a coordinated emotional wear what does that look like well it looks like this space is kept the arm and the body are tracking together coordinated together they're not working independently the second thing if you imagine almost a steering wheel here we're not turning the steering wheel look at my watch i'm coordinating that motion i'm not re turning it here we're not going this way this way we are coordinating the face we're coordinating the body and then away we go how do you practice this keep it really simple you could just go get a rhythm with this don't make it too stiff one two join the hand a little bit get a sense of what you're doing and then in you go

and away we go okay so it is as simple as that two things manage your club face manage your coordination set your backswing up to win what you may feel when you do this sometimes is and the biggest thing i find people struggle to get their torso working enough they're so used to swing with the hands and arms that this here is not used to work it's not used to working down into this position it's not used to turning as much if you lack flexibility not a problem don't this isn't a full backswing for you coordinating the motion you might end up only swinging to here that's fine it'll still be powerful don't try to complete your swing the misleading thing is that you see the best players with full swings up here you don't necessarily need it and if you try what you're going to end up doing is you're going to swing just with your arms you'll lose the coordination and therefore you're tightening look at this if all you can do is turn your body to here then that's your coordination if you want to go further you can always lead your heel up to go further but we don't cheat by using your arms because then you'll lose that all important coordination to improve your consistency like i said get a rhythm with it and you'll be away now hope you enjoyed the video if you did maybe make sure to give it a thumbs up and maybe share with some of your friends because it really really helps and of course look remember there's a free practice plan in the description so i'll put it step by step you don't have to remember a thing until next week have a great golfing week